SAND is an international literary journal published twice a year . They will be open for submissions of fiction, flash fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, translations, and visual art from Wednesday, July 29th 2020.

Simone O’Donovan ,Managing Editor at SAND Journal had this to say ,“We’re seeking out writing and art that’s fresh: Take us by surprise. We are also proud to publish writing from a diverse group of international writers and particularly welcome work from underrepresented voices: women, people from the LGBTQ+ community, people of color, differently abled people, and people from the wider international community. 

The best way to get to know the type of work that we publish is by reading digital or print issues of SAND or checking out on SAND’s YouTube channel. More information on our style and approach can be found in these editorial interviews and articles:

* Our editors answer readers’ questions (video): 

* Our poetry style (video for Lyrikmarkt 2020):  

* Our fiction style (article at Aerogramme):

* Our visual art style (article):

* Our commitment to diversity (interview with Lambda Literary):

Our submissions guidelines can be found here, along with our mission statement. ”

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