For our Lusophone, Francophone, Maghreb… friends: Words without Borders

Words Without Borders, an online magazine for International Literature in English translation, seeks submissions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for an issue of African women’s writing. Submissions must have been written in a language other than English and may not have already been published in English translation. We will consider up to five poems from a single contributor.  Fiction and nonfiction typically run 1500 to 3500 words. We prefer short stories, but will consider novel extracts that stand as independent pieces. Submissions must include a biographical summary of the author and information on the original publication and background of the piece. Translators need not secure rights, but should ascertain that rights are available. Authors may submit untranslated works with summaries. We offer honoraria to authors and translators.

The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2012. Please send queries and submissions to Susan Harris, the editorial director, at <>



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