Non-fiction Workshop, Uganda 9-13 June 2014

Creative-Non-FictionCommonwealth Writers is running a non-fiction workshop in Uganda from 9-13 June 2014.

Led by the Chair of the 2014 Commonwealth Short Story Prize and former deputy editor of Granta, Ellah Allfrey, the workshop will explore different ways to approach creative non-fiction. Please note that this is not a journalism workshop. Creative non-fiction is a genre that uses literary styles and techniques to create factually accurate narratives. The workshop will be targeted and designed towards the needs of the selected participants.

We’re looking for writers with a burning story to tell and who want their work to reach a wider international audience.

Commonwealth Writers invites East African writers aged 18 and over to apply for the 10 places in the workshop. Writers from Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, living and working in East Africa, are eligible to apply. There will be two places allocated per country.

This is a residential workshop. All travel (from elsewhere in East Africa), accommodation and meals will be provided for successful applicants. There is no fee to attend the workshop.

To be considered, please apply to by Friday 28 February.

You must include the following, otherwise your application won’t be considered:

1. A submission of 2,000-5,000 words of a creative non-fiction piece in English (eg life writing, memoir, literary reportage, essay). The sample may be published or unpublished.

– Attach your story as a Word or PDF document, formatted in 12 point font, with double-line spacing
– Each page must be numbered
– Each page must feature a header showing your name and the title of the piece

2. Name, age, nationality and gender.
3. Postal address, email address and contact telephone number
4. A paragraph about yourself (giving your writing history, and saying something about any other occupations, eg what you do for a living, family life, interests, etc)
5.  Three lines about what you hope to gain from this workshop if successful.
Commonwealth Writers will let you know whether or not you’ve been selected to take part in the workshop by 21 March 2014.

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