introducing StoryMondo

Direct from StoryMondo:

Intl_History_2Dear Writers

This is to introduce StoryMondo, an exciting new website where you can publish your short stories and verse. But the writing we publish is special. It must have a “sense of place” – it must in some way illustrate features or evoke the atmosphere of a particular location.

We publish four kinds of writing:


Folk tales and legends new stories or adapted versions of traditional tales
Travellers’ tales true accounts or fictional stories about places you have visited
My world descriptions or stories that illustrate features of where you grew up or where you live
Haiku and sonnets containing any or all of the elements above

Your writing can be about dragons, food, people, robots, love, nature or anything else.  But it must always have a connection with real physical places such as cities, mountains, rivers, buildings and countries – and so can be shown by a symbol on the StoryMondo online map.  Stories can be up to 2,000 words in length.

StoryMondo also offers a crowd-sourcing service to companies, organisations and individuals who wish to commission a piece of writing exploring a particular theme and having defined geographical relevance.  Please sign up to receive email requests for your work at

And finally…… StoryMondo runs quarterly competitions.  The winners receive $100 and their work will be specially featured on the StoryMondo website.  Our current competition is for short stories and the closing date is 31 March 2014.

Thank you for reading this email and I look forward to hearing from you at my email address below. And I would of course be very grateful if you felt able to forward this message to other writers whom you may know, including fellow members of any writers’ group or association to which you belong.

With kind regards,

Desmond Chaffey
Editor, StoryMondo

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