Call for Grandpa, Grandma stories

logoIn 2012 Inclusive Works organised an international children’s stories competition. The theme was ‘New gender roles in the multicultural society’. With over 350 submitted stories from 33 countries and the publication of 3 illustrated children’s books the competition was a success.

In 2014 Inclusive Works organises a new edition of this competition. This year’s theme is ‘Grandpa, grandma and I in our multicultural society’. Until the 31st of August everyone can send in their stories for children aged 1-3 years or 4-6 years in either Dutch or English. For each age category the jury will select one winner. The winning stories will be published as illustrated children’s books in both Dutch and English by Clavis.

Our aim is to get as many writers from different countries all over the world to enter in our competition. Stories from African countries are especially requested. You’re welcome to submit DIRECTLY to International Children’s Story Competition 2014.

Please, DON’T send your submissions to AWT. Send to no later than 31 August 2014.

For more details, visit Inclusive works website.

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