Day 1, Morning sessions: Presentations from Successful Literary Initiatives in Africa

2nd March, 2015 Morning

In this room, writers and storytellers gather to talk about books and literary initiatives. It’s the second Uganda International Writers Conference. Among the guests include AWT’s keynote speaker: Zakes Mda from South Africa/USA, UK/Uganda writer: Jennifer Makumbi, Nigeria/UK: Noo Saro-Wiwa, Nigeria/USA: Chinelo Okparanta, Uganda/Canada: Juliane Okot Bitek, Malawi: Timwa Lipenga and Shadreck Chikoti, Cameroon: Susan Nde Nkwentie, UK: Michela Wrong and Emma D’Costa, Kenya: Oduor Jagero, Rwanda: Louise Umutoni, Uganda: Dilman Dila, Melissa Kyeyune, Bwesigye Bwa Mwesigire, Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva, Jackee B Batanda, Daniel Kalinaki, Peter Kagayi, Glaydah Namukasa, Hilda Twongyeirwe, Danson Kahyana, Susan Kiguli, to mention a few.


The first panel share their experiences about setting up literary initiatives in their countries

Left: Timwa Lipenga representing Makewana’s Daughters Initiative in Malawi, Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva of Babishai Niwe Poetry Foundation in Uganda, Mildred Barya, the chair of the panel, and Louise Umutoni representing Andika Ma in Rwanda.


The second panel of Literary Initiative in Africa

Left: Shadreck Chikoti of Malawi Pan African Publishing, the chair, Peter Kagayi of Lantern meet of poets in Uganda, Hilda Twongyeirwe of Femrite, Uganda, and Susan Nde Nkwentie of Langaa Publishers in Cameroon

Participants at the end of the two panel sessions on literary initiatives


Tea time


Book buying & autograph time


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