Day 2, evening session:Keynote speech by Prof. Zakes Mda

DSC_0235Topic: Memoir as Remembered Narrative

Zakes Mda’s autobiography: Sometimes There Is a Void: Memoirs of an Outsider, was the New York Times Notable Book for 2012. It was first published by Penguin books in 2011, and Farrar Straus and Giroux in 2012. Zakes has published 21 books and has been translated into 20 languages. He teaches at Ohio University, and is a board member of AWT.



Guests at the key note address
Guests at the key note address


Among the audience, Juliane Okot Bitek asking a question
Among the audience, Juliane Okot Bitek asking a question

AWT director and board members

Goretti Kyomuhendo, Zakes Mda, Susan Kiguli and Mildred K Barya
Goretti Kyomuhendo, Zakes Mda, Susan Kiguli and Mildred K Barya


Guests enjoying snacks after the keynote address


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