The International Rubery Book Award 2016 Now Open


The Rubery Book Award is the longest established book award based in the UK for independent and self published books. The 2016 Book Award is now open and will be closing on 31st March 2016

Overall Prize £1000 
(approx 1590 US$, 1277€ )

The winning book will be read by a top London Literary Agent*Plus a minimum of 3 category winners each winning £100 (approx 159$, 127€)

Waterstones have expressed an interest in letting their buyers know once the shortlist has been announced!

Closing date 31st March 2016
Three high profile judges have been secured for the 2016 awards: MAN Booker Shortlisted author, Clare Morrall, Poet and Stand winner Jeff Phelps, and author, dramatist and lecturer, William Gallagher.



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