Call for Artistic and Cultural Mobility grants

Fanak Fund has an ongoing call for Artistic and Cultural Mobility grants in the region encompassing Europe, the Arab-speaking countries and the wider Middle East. It also has an ongoing call for consolidation grants. 

Please read below the criteria for both programmes. 

General Fund for Artistic and Cultural Mobility

Although many countries in the Euro – Arab – Middle East region have adopted international transport restrictions to limit the progress of the Corona pandemic, Fanak Fund and partners hope that these restrictions will be lifted in the coming months, allowing artists and cultural operators to travel. Artists and cultural operators living and working in Europe, the Arab speaking countries and the Middle East, who wish to travel from one of these regions to one of the other two are welcome to apply. However, they are advised to submit their travel plan with a clear project but flexible dates. Priority is given to mobilities from the Arab speaking region to the Middle-East and vice-versa.

 The General Fund is open to all requests for travel grants that respect the eligibility criteria of Fanak Fund. Candidates can apply online throughout the summer until 31st August 2020. 

The Fanak Fund selection committee will take in consideration the following priorities:

1) Eligible travel dates are from the lifting of international transport restrictions onwards, both in the country of departure and the country of destination. Since the lifting of restriction dates are not all known, applicants can suggest approximate dates. All travel projects must be adaptable to date changes.

2) The aim of your trip must directly or indirectly show potential for a constructive and long-term impact on the arts and culture sector in your own country/region especially in terms of artistic and cultural local development.

3) Applicant’s profile:

– Nationality: no nationality criteria

– Age: no age criteria

– Profession: artists and cultural operators.

4) Applications must be made by individuals and not by organisations. Only one application per person is possible at each call. Applicants must choose the cheapest form of transport and can only apply for one international return travel ticket, visa and insurance costs (local transport, per diems and accommodation are not covered by this fund). 

Zodeh Fund – consolidation grants

Zodeh is a programme dedicated to the resilience of small, independent artistic and cultural initiatives/collectives/organisations and companies (whose annual budget does not exceed 20 000€) operating from the Arab speaking countries and the Middle-East (including Turkey and Persian speaking countries) for a minimum of two years. The programme provides small grants for equipment, renovation, expertise, training, etc. in order to help them to stay sustainable. The support is not meant to co-finance artistic and cultural productions. The beneficiary must be independent, non-denominational, non-politically oriented. The beneficiary must acknowledge its cultural and artistic engagement towards the local community. 

Zodeh Fund is open to candidates who respect the eligibility criteria as indicated on Fanak Fund website. Candidates can apply online throughout the summer until 31st August 2020. 

The Fanak Fund selection committee will take in consideration the following priorities:

1)  Applications must be made by the person in charge of the cultural or artistic organisation. Support is not provided to public or semi-public organisations.

2)  The applicant (organisation, collective, manager) must be based in the Arab-speaking, Middle East geographical zone including Turkey, Persian speaking countries.

3)  All contemporary artistic disciplines are eligible including heritage and cultural policy research. Humanitarian aid or school/university projects are not eligible to this Fund.

4)   Although open to initiatives from these entire regions, Zodeh fund is particularly attentive to applicants in rural or suburban areas. Special attention will be given to applications contributing to the transmission of values such as respect for cultural diversity, freedom of artistic expression, fair exchange and solidarity.

 Information concerning both funds

The results of the selection for both programmes will be announced on 1st October 2020 (Deadline for receiving completed application files: 31/08/2020). Please note, that the announcement of the selection of mobility grant applicants may be delayed if countries are still undergoing international transport restrictions.  

Fanak Fund will only use personal data in the application forms for the evaluation and selection process and for no other purpose. If you want to apply, please visit the Fanak Fund’s website ( and click on the application forms under “Apply for a grant”. Application can be written in Arabic, English or French.

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