Kuonyesha Art Fund 2021: Call for Applications

Kuonyesha Art Fund exists to support, nurture and develop art in Uganda; to promote and/or support artists to improve the quality of arts in a way that enhances the meaningful influence and participation of art and artists in the issues shaping society and public life in Uganda today.

The first year of the fund (October 2019 to October 2020) was a pilot phase, during which the Fund was open to, and deliberate, about learning and growing as it went along — learning from the artists themselves, learning from and about the art field, learning from and with the Advisory Committee, and learning from and with the partners of the fund and other stakeholders.

Who can apply?

The Kuonyesha Art Fund acknowledges that there are numerous types of Arts in Uganda, and therefore, the fund will focus on the following categories:

  1. Visual Arts (e.g. Painting, sculpture, weaving, fashion, woodcut printing etc.)
  2. Literature (including publishing),
  3. Audio-Visual (graphics & animation)
  4. Dance & Music
  5. Theatre and Film
  6. Folklore/Spoken word
  7. Arts research
  8. Combination of arts disciplinaries
  9. Other


  1. The grant award is open to all artists of all ages; minors may be required to be accompanied & guided by an adult.  Female artists and differently-abled persons are especially encouraged to apply.
  2. Individual artists who are established and have demonstrated the ability to influence communities through their art. They will most likely have a track record and be able to demonstrate the ability to manage funds/resources responsibly.
  3. Artists that have the potential to do more with their art; they may have some ideas and/or even made an initial investment in their art project but are unable to proceed because of limited resources. The Kuonyesha Art Fund will serve as a ‘push fund’ for such artists.
  4. New and/or emerging artists who may not have much exposure or are trying new ideas. They require investment to enable them further to explore and showcase their work.
  5. Artists that require support to enhance the quality of their work for instance through training, provision of equipment, as well as exposure.
  6. Only artists who are citizens or have been granted permanent residence of Uganda may apply; attach their national ID/ other identity form/residence document copy etc as evidence.
  7. All grant award winners are required to take up the grant awards as per the dates mentioned in the entry details or applications.

Application Process

Online process