This page is dedicated to creative works coming out of Africa 2012-2013. If you know of any poetry, collection of short stories, or novels published between 2012-2013, kindly send us an email ( including a synopsis, book cover and publishing details.
“Smoke of Forgiveness, written by Nelson Makhubane Tshabalala, is a novel that captures the history of South Africa from apartheid era to the present day. It attempts to touch on every aspect of moral choice when the nation stands divided in its thinking. The novel dares to interrogate the country’s past, casting characters and historical events back and forth while creating new realities. Perceived notions of identity are challenged, amidst the anguish evoked by atrocities committed against rural farm-workers where beatings and rape were used as punishment and other forms of callous disregard for human life by various institutions.”
To purchase a copy via amazon or Kalahari.