worth ten thousand plus words

More pictures to make you want not to miss our next gathering.

Workshop pics continued: Uganda International Writers Conference, 7th–9th March, 2013. VENUE: Imperial Golf View Hotel, Entebbe. Followed by Launch of Kwani?

Graduation ceremony of the mentees (with The British Council). Monday 11th March, 2013. Venue: Sheraton Kampala Hotel. Time:5.30–7.30 p.m.


The topic is Afropolitanism. Billy, Nii, Godfrey and Goretti


Contributions from participants. Helen, Elone, and Doreen L


Sign language, body work, and all that. Doreen Baingana and Susan Kiguli


Has someone shared a bad joke or the discussion is getting intense?


Billy’s view. Nii listening.


Everyone is thinking. Perhaps some water? Those glasses aren’t part of the decorations


Beverley Nambozo has the audience. Then Beatrice. Margaret, and Rais Boneza. I like the dancers and the face hanging above


See how Elone is opening her ear so she doesn’t miss what Doreen Lwanga is saying?


Harriet, Helen, and Elone in action


What could be on the screen that’s making these ladies radiant? Hilda, Harriet, Helen. H conspiracy if you ask me.


Yes, there’s nothing wrong with your eyes, beer is served, and writing tastes much better afterwards


You see why you shouldn’t miss AWT workshops and other events? Serumaga, Billy, and Doreen Baingana


lights, lights, this conference room is inspiration itself


Embrace the age of collaboration, connection, and sustained partnerships


Beautiful! By the way Impala means antelope, so Kampala indirectly translates into ‘of antelopes,’ and since it’s hilly, it was first known as hill of antelopes. Strange how people have taken over!


Faisal Kiwewa, Director of Bayimba, Getrude Flentge, Programme Manager, Culture and Media, DOEN Foundation, Justus Ssebwalunyo, Branch Manager, Barclays. The conversation was: Donor and Corporate Funding for the Arts
Faisal Kiwewa, Director of Bayimba, Getrude Flentge, Programme Manager, Culture and Media, DOEN Foundation, Justus Ssebwalunyo, Branch Manager, Barclays. The conversation was: Donor and Corporate Funding for the Arts


Doreen Lwanga (UG) & Alphose Muambi (DRC/The Netherlands)
Doreen Lwanga (UG) & Alphonse Muambi (DRC/The Netherlands). Later Alphonse read in Dutch from his book: “You Can’t Eat Democracy”


Happy women. Oh, and man! Hilda, Beatrice, Shadreck, Goretti, Beverley, and Margaret


James Dwalu (Liberia) has the audience
Those hands beckoning. James Dwalu (Liberia) has the audience


Serumaga, playwright, signing a copy of Kwani? for Nii


Launching the latest issue of Kwani? It has grown big. It started as a small booklet, then a medium-size journal, now it’s this humongous beauty, which can only mean that writers are awake.


I think Nii and Beatrice are trying to come up with a poem


Passion, Congratulations to the mentees during their graduation ceremony at Sheraton


We end with wine & men. The writers are now wed with words. Nii (Ghana) Billy (Kenya) & Bjorn (Norway)
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