Flash Fiction Competition

downloadThe César Egido Serrano Foundation Announces the

IV Edition of the International Flash Fiction Competition
“Museum of Words”

As one of the objectives of the Foundation is the value of the word and dialogue as a tool for uniting peoples, the slogan of this contest edition will be, Mandela: Words and Concord. The rules of the competition are as follows:

  1. The IV edition of international award for “Museum of Words” microfiction is open.
  2. Writers from any country may enter their microfiction into the competition.
  3. Submitted stories must be original creations; writers are free to cover any subject.
  4. Writers may only enter a maximum of two stories. Stories may be written in the following languages: Hebrew, English, Arabic or Spanish.
  5. A first prize of $20,000 will be awarded to the winning story. The three remaining finalist stories in the remaining language categories will receive a $2000 runner up prize.
  6. Stories must not exceed 100 words. Entries must be sent exclusively by filling in the entry form that can be found on the foundation website here. All stories entered must be original, unpublished in all means (paper, electronic publications, network…) and have not been awarded in any other contest. Those who do not meet this condition will forfeit the entry.
  7. The author certifies that the story sent is of his own authorship.
  8. The competition will end on November 23rd, 2014 GMT+1, on the International Day of the Word as Bond of Humankind.
  9. The finalists will be judged by a selected jury. The list of finalist’s titles will be published on the website of the César Egido Serrano Foundation.
  10. The César Egido Serrano Foundation reserves the right to publish the finalist’s stories.
  11. The decision of the jury is final.
  12. Entry in this contest implies the total acceptance of their rules.
  13. Texts failing to comply with any of the rules will be disqualified.       To submit, Go here
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