Jalada-Transition Call for Submissions: Fear



cfp_fearJalada and Transition magazine are thrilled to announce their intent to publish a collaborative issue on the theme of Fear. Materials selected for this issue will be available in print and digital editions of issue 123, forthcoming June 2017.

Call for submissions:

“Fear: an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.”

From fear as weaponized terror, to the fear of the Other, the fear of love, the fear of death, the fear of failure, of success, of spiders, crowds, heights, closed spaces etc., fear is such a primal and inescapable part of living. Our phobias, the things that make us human or, indeed, inhuman, are as diverse and as peculiar as the varied lives that we lead. Our fears, and the dance between fear and fearlessness, shape how we live, how we interact, and how we conceptualize ourselves and others.

The conversations of our day on immigration, race and integration, and terrorism, among others, point to the timelessness of the basic question of how fear influences human beings and our struggle to live together in the world.

Fear is a diverse topic. Submissions of fiction, poetry, prose and visual art on all aspects of this dynamic force, covering themes as varied as recent global events to philosophical and fantastical treatments of the subject are welcome.

You may send your submission either to jaladaafrica@gmail.com or through Transition’s submission portal, but NOT to both at the same time. Writers who had already submitted to Jalada are asked not to resend their work as it is already being considered.

Deadline for all submissions: January 9th, 2017

The specific guidelines for each category are provided below:

Each writer may submit up to a maximum of three works of short fiction or excerpts. Pieces should be formatted as follows: 2.0 spacing, 12 Font Times New Roman.

Please send no more than three poems that do not exceed 10 pages. All poems by a single author have to be sent in one attachment, with each poem clearly marked. Pieces should be formatted as follows: 2.0 spacing, 12 Font Times New Roman.

Jalada welcomes scholarly and critical essays on the subject of Fear. Essays must not extend beyond 7000 words. Pieces should be formatted as follows: 2.0 spacing, 12 Font Times New Roman.

Visual art submissions.
Artists should submit 2 copies of any piece of art, for web and for print.

Resolution: 72-150dpi
min size: 1024×768
format: JPG
Colour space: RGB
• Print:
Resolution – 150 – 300 dpi
min size: A5
format: TIFF/PDF
Colour space: CMYK

Each piece of art should include the following information: title of piece, year created (and if the artist feels it necessary, a short contextualising/descriptive text).
This category will also include all submissions that present language in a visual manner, from typographic poems and posters to all other forms of text and display typography.

1. Submissions will be received between July 20th and January 9th.
2. All submissions must be sent to jaladaafrica@gmail.com or via Transition’s submission portal.
3. Each story has to be sent as a separate Microsoft Word attachment, in the .doc format (no PDFs) and clearly labeled with the story title and the names of the writer and/or translator.
4. Make sure to include the word, “Fear” in the subject line of your email.
5. Each submission must contain the title of your piece and word count.
6. Where applicable, the submission must contain both the original piece and the translation.
7. All submissions must be accompanied by a biographical note, written in third person, and no more than 100 words in length.
8. All submissions must be previously unpublished, except for the case of translations where the source text may have appeared elsewhere.
9. Visual artists are welcome to submit their work.


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