Call for Submissions – Dangerous Women Project


Dangerous Women Project, an initiative by the Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Edinburgh is seeking submissions of images, essays, poems, short plays, videos, and any other form of art that can be digitally published.
This project, linked to the International Women’s day celebrations is having a series of open submissions and the current submission period closes Sunday 20th November 2016

They are looking for

• High quality reflections and creative responses to the question: ‘What does it mean to be a dangerous woman?’
• Tell them about historical figures famous or forgotten, give them biography or memoir, shine a spotlight on a contemporary issue or event, spin us a fiction that is uncomfortably close to the truth, or cut to the chase with research or analysis as sharp as a scalpel
• They are particularly interested in posts with the potential for provoking discussion, and they highly encourage submissions from under-represented, marginalised or otherwise silenced voices.

Some further clarifications:
• They are very interested in research-led contributions, though these must be accessible and engaging for a general audience in style, content and tone.
• All submissions must clearly link to the Dangerous Women Project question (and most often make that link explicit): ‘what does it mean to be a dangerous woman?’
• If you are in doubt, please get in touch with a short précis of your work.
• They are open to a variety of forms and media (essay, story, memoir, comic, video, image with accompanying text, etc) though text contributions should be limited to a maximum of 2,000 words.
All submissions will be assessed for suitability and relevance by the Project team based at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Edinburgh, with guidance from a wider Consultation Group from across the University.

The Consultation Group membership comprises:
• Mary Bownes, Professor Emerita of Development Biology and Vice-Principal Community Development
• Penny Fielding, Grierson Chair of English Literature
• Suzanne Ewing, Senior Lecturer in Architectural Design and Theory
• Lesley McAra, Chair of Penology and Assistant Principal Community Relations
• Fiona Mackay, Professor of Politics and Dean & Head of School of Social and Political Sciences
• Mona Siddiqui, Professor of Islamic and Inter-Religious Studies and Assistant Principal Religion and Society

How to submit your work
Written submissions
Please use our online form or send your submission as a .doc, .docx or .pdf file to Include any relevant image attachments as .jpg, .gif or .png (providing these are in the public domain, appropriately creative commons licensed, or your own work).
Other formats
If your submission is multimedia involving large file sizes, please send a link to the file with hightail, dropbox or other cloud-based service using the above address.


For more information, Click Here

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