Trump could wipe out federal funding for the arts.


Donald Trump’s administration appears poised to introduce a budget that would wipe out funding for the arts and humanities.
The New York Times reported that the newly confirmed United States of America Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney Mickhas targeted nine agencies for elimination, including the National Endowments for the Arts and the Humanities. And those agencies have until Friday 24th February 2017 to respond to the new administration’s proposal.

Suzanne Nossel, Executive Director Pen America in her communication stated “If the endowments were eliminated it would negatively impact cultural institutions in communities large and small across the country, including museums, theaters, libraries, children’s art classes, historic sites, music, and dance programs. We must fight back!”
Suzanne NosselShe urged artists to Sign the petition demanding that Donald Trump’s budget protect funding for the National Endowments for the Arts and the Humanities.

“The Trump Administration’s budget proposals cannot be justified as based on cost savings: as the Times reported, these funds collectively amount to a “pittance” when it comes to the overall federal budget.”

Since 1965, the endowments have received bi-partisan support under Democratic and Republican administrations. The Endowments support groundbreaking research, creative works, and cultural offerings that help enrich our communities and the lives of millions of Americans.

President Trump and Director Mulvaney have put these treasured programs on the chopping block, proposing budget cuts that would have the American government turning its back on arts and culture.
Stand with PEN America and  partners in opposing any budget that eliminates support for the arts and humanities.

The Trump budget―if enacted―will send shivers down the spine of all Americans who value the arts, research, scholarship, and creativity, and who recognize the mortal blow that eliminating these vital agencies would strike at the heart of treasured sectors of the society.

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