The ASAUK is offering £9,000 to support a teaching fellowship in the Social Sciences or Humanities for a UK-based academic to work in an African university. We are looking for applications from early career academics who have finished doctoral degrees on African topics in British universities since 2008. The award is open to applicants of any nationality who have graduated from British universities. The award is designed to cover 3-4 months’ subsistence with additional travel expenses provided for one international airfare.
The ASAUK has a flexible approach to the award and would be keen to support co-funding or exchange arrangements to sustain a longer placement period. In addition to their agreed teaching duties, the successful candidate will be encouraged to propose a writing workshop. If such a workshop is accepted for funding by the ASAUK, fellows will be paid an additional sum to cover their additional time and administrative work.
In applying for a teaching fellowship, the applicant should submit:
- Evidence of a mentor in the host institution;
- A CV, including research plans and teaching experience;
- A short description of teaching plans and any co-funding or partnership arrangement;
- A letter of support from a sponsor in an African institution;
- A letter of support from a supervisor or other referee in the UK.
For a description of the Teaching Fellowship scheme and a report on a recent fellowship, please visit
Applicants should send the above by email to Prof. S. Newell ( by 15th November 2013. Applicants will be notified of the decision by 15th December with an anticipated start date between January and April 2014.